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CHT3029-QEG a new attenuator

 - Product

The CHT3029-QEG is a wide band, DC-31GHz, 4 bit attenuator which exhibits a high dynamic range of 15dB (1dB step) across the whole frequency band combined with a low amplitude error (RMS attenuation error <0.5dB).

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UMS in IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components

 - Talking about UMS

A paper entitled “Impact of Trapping Effects on the Recovery Time of GaN Based Low Noise Amplifiers” has been published in the IEEE MICROWAVE AND WIRELESS COMPONENTS LETTERS, Vol 26 in January 2016 by O. Axelsson, N. Rorsman and M. Thorsell from the department of Microtechnology and Nanoscience, Chalmers University of technology and N. Billstrom from Saab AB, Electronic Defence Systems

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